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A simplified healthcare provider-based platform that provides customized medication options for patients.

We addressed the challenges associated with complex medical system by providing a design that focuses on a clean, modern, and attractive interface.


By incorporating contemporary design elements and intuitive navigation, the aim was to create a visually appealing platform that fosters a positive user experience, making it more user-friendly for both physicians and patients.


Multia Studio, Pune.


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop


Interaction Design, User Interface Design


Client & Domain insights

Previously known as RX Compounding Express, Rxify is a healthcare provider-based platform that provides customized medication options for patients. Rx means - A medical prescription, and the symbol "Rx" is usually said to stand for the Latin word "recipe" meaning "to take".


Customarily it is part of the superscription (heading) of a prescription. It is powered by a focus on high quality personalized medications from accredited laboratories at competitive prices.

Domain Research

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis was conducted which gave use more insights about the market trends within the industry. It gave us information about the competitors approach to design, how they used images and illustrations and much more.

Competitive Analysis

Creating a persona

Based on research findings, a persona was created; who represents the target user of Rxify along with their goals, frustrations and motivations.

User Persona

Information Architecture

Further, a sitemap was created to give hierarchical structure to the platform that would decide the overall navigation.

IA - Website
IA - Doctor Dashboard


Rapid wireframing

Creating low-fidelity wireframes for the dashboard gave us an idea about the basic elements that would be needed on each page.

Wireframe 1
Wireframe 1
Wireframe 3

Website Design

Homepage screen

We created user-friendly contemporary responsive designs for the website with seamless micro-animations to give the users a delightful experience.

Dashboard Design


Landing Page

We made the landing page more dynamic as compared to the initial options.


This would consist of banners, main actionable items like creating a prescription or viewing messages, along with prescription list table with details.

Landing Page
Messages - chat


This page was created in a universal chat format UI that would have a list of patients from which a specific one can be opened for viewing the messages.


The list of prescriptions that have been added to favorites can be seen on this page along with the compositions. It can either be viewed or used as a template to create a new prescription.

Favourites Page
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